woman wearing headphones while standing in a snowy field

Winter Wellness: CBD Products for Seasonal Support

If you struggle with winter, it makes sense to look for different solutions to help you feel better and more like your usual self during this time.

Some people find winter an especially difficult time of the year. Longer periods of darkness and extended time indoors can cause stress, fatigue, and feeling down. On top of that, the unrelenting cold and damp can also cause issues with your mood and even your health. If you have everyday pain, this cold can make things even more painful.

If you struggle with winter, it makes sense to look for different solutions to help you feel better and more like your usual self during this time. Seasonal CBD products might be exactly what you need to feel better this winter.

Here are a few ways that seasonal CBD products might boost your winter wellness so you can be your summer self even during the cold.

Everyday Pain Relief

As mentioned earlier, pain is often worsened by cold and damp weather. Even if you’re able to cope during the rest of the year, you might feel stiff and achy during winter, so it’s harder to do your everyday tasks. Besides, everyday pain is exhausting, distressing, and generally unpleasant to deal with.

CBD is a proven anti-inflammatory, which makes it ideal for people with conditions such as arthritis that cause this kind of everyday pain. You may feel less of the everyday aches and pain  you normally experience with CBD supplements.

For example, CBD pain creams can be used topically, so you can deal with problem areas and aching joints. But you can also use CBD to help with more generalized aches, meaning that the winter stiffness you typically experience can be resolved.

Sleep Quality

Some people really struggle with sleeping and getting out of bed during the winter months. Daylight is an important part of our circadian rhythm, which is what dictates your sleep schedule. The short days and long nights disrupt this rhythm, making it more difficult for your body to know when to sleep.

A good sleep routine is vital for winter wellness. If you can’t sleep properly, you will feel lethargic, irritable, stressed, and you will even think more slowly. Sleep deprivation can cause major and distressing physical and mental symptoms alike.

CBD can promote better sleep, which means that you don’t just get to sleep when you need to, you have a full, restful night’s sleep. 

It’s often good to combine seasonal CBD products with a healthy sleep routine. Go to bed at the same time each night, and get up each morning. Consider a ritual that promotes relaxation. Some people have baths, others read while drinking herbal tea and chilling out next to a candle. Try to avoid work and screen time just before you go to sleep.

Dry Skin 

If you have sensitive skin, winter can be the worst time of year. The cold and harsh weather can be especially brutal on your skin, and while most of your body is covered up, the exposed skin on your face and hands might get the worst of it. 

Many people experience dry skin and worsened skin conditions during winter for this reason. The humidity in the air is also often lower in winter, even when you’re inside. Putting the heating on only makes the air drier. Even the rain doesn’t help, because the cold water can damage your skin even more.

Gloves can protect your hands to some degree, but there’s not much you can do about your face. Also, if you already have cracked skin on your hands, gloves might not always help as much as you’d home.

The best answer is a regular skin care routine that tackles serious dry skin and other skin problems. Topical CBD cream is designed to moisturize your skin and keep it looking fresh and healthy. You can find cream designed for different skin types and for different parts of your body, such as face cream and hand cream. This means you get the best care possible.

There’s no need to suffer more than you have to during the winter. While skin conditions might seem like the least of your concerns during winter, they can be painful and hard to cope with. You might also feel self-conscious. In serious cases, cracked skin that causes open wounds might even leave you vulnerable to skin infections. 

Deal with dry skin quickly and you’ll look and feel better for it.

Immune System Support

It’s no secret that people are more likely to get sick during the winter months. The common cold, flu, chest infections, and even some stomach bugs always go around during winter. There’s a good reason for this increased sickness as well.

During winter, your immune system has to work harder. Some viruses thrive in cold conditions, and our bodies aren’t as good at fighting disease. The cold, dry air makes it much harder for your upper respiratory tract to function properly, so bugs you’d normally get rid of might make their way into your body.

Not only this, but you’re much more likely to spend time indoors and close to other people so you can stay warm.  All of this means that you’re much more likely to contract a bug and then find it more difficult to fight it off.

Nobody likes being sick, no matter the weather. It’s a good idea to help your body along so you can avoid and recover from these winter bugs. This way, you can enjoy life so much more and focus on other things rather than feeling unwell.

There are so many ways that CBD can boost your winter wellness, so it’s well worth considering adding seasonal CBD products to your lifestyle.