Here at cbdMD, we get many questions from pet-loving customers about how to incorporate CBD treats for dogs into their pup’s training. It seems that puppy training tops the list, followed by stubborn dogs who take longer to train or who are having some type of behavioral issue. While CBD treats can help your older dogs (they can’t be used for dogs under one year old), training issues are usually more about the methodology behind your training and in your responses to your dog. The right combination of positive reinforcement, targeted training methods, and daily CBD dog treats can make it all a more pleasant and productive experience for you and your dog.
Here we will discuss some common training issues you may be having with your dog, offer some suggestions on dog training techniques and how you may adjust your strategies for greater success, and what role canine CBD treats can play in dog training.
Identifying Dog Training Issues
When you have been working with your dog and do not see progress, it can be incredibly frustrating for both you and your dog. It can also be a sign that there’s a problem, either a physical one or a mental and emotional need your dog is trying to meet. Identify the areas of concern so that you may better meet your dog’s needs and tailor their dog training to better suit the issue you are having.
Common Dog Training Problems
Common dog training issues may present in a variety of areas:
- Aggressive behavior
- Excessive barking or whining
- Chewing things in your home
- Begging for food
- Jumping up on people
- Digging behaviors
- Separation issues
- Potty training difficulties
- Playing too roughly
- Stealing or hoarding things
- Getting in the trash
- Submissive urination
Is Your Dog Stubborn?
Saying a dog is “stubborn” or “hard to train” is a bit harsh, but naturally, you may find it harder to train some dogs. My dog, a 3-year-old Chorkie I adopted, was extremely difficult for me to teach. She had potty-training issues, fearful behavior, hiding, running away, and snapping, and it seemed she’d never learn to listen to me.
After many months of frustration and difficulty, I learned it wasn’t my dog who had the problem; it was me. My failure to read her behavior, understand her, and meet her greatest needs all resulted in unwanted behavior from my dog, who was simply trying to communicate with me. I also learned to be a nicer person! My dog is super-sensitive (the CBD dog treats do help her, thank goodness) and responsive to my reactions. I had to learn to provide the environment she needed to create the behavior I wanted from her.
Some dogs are labeled “stubborn” when the issue could be more complex than that:
- Your dog refuses to potty outside. Why? Are they fearful of fleas in the grass? Or are they a “private pooper” like my dog – I learned she wouldn’t “go” if anyone watched her! The little diva likes her privacy.
- Your dog gets in the cat’s litter box for “crunchy donuts” all the time. Is there an underlying health issue that may warrant a conversation with the vet and relocation of the litter box – rather than your knee-jerk reaction to fuss and complain, creating a sense of fear in your dog? Could your reactions to the behavior be making it worse? Possibly a hard chew treat would satisfy their need to chew and eat something. (You know what that feels like, right? Feeling “snacky” for no reason?)
- Your dog tears things up like your furniture or shoes. Are they experiencing boredom or separation issues? Could CBD treats help to curb this behavior?
Understanding your dog is by far the most important aspect of dog training.
Are Some Breeds Harder to Train than Others?
Some breeds have a reputation for being more difficult to train. However, it does not mean that if your dog is one of those breeds, training will be difficult for them as all dogs’ personalities and physiology are different. Try not to hold these reputations against your dog or let it hinder you from adopting a dog of one of these breeds. Breed commonalities do offer guidance but should not affect your assessment of your dog.
Some say smaller dogs like Jack Russell Terriers, Pugs, and Beagles are hard to potty train. Others lament that Afghan Hounds and Pekingese breeds are such independent thinkers that they are hard to train. Still, others argue over breeds that are more snippy or who pull on their leashes. It all boils down to your dog’s mood, temperament, and personality, not determinable by breed but by their own unique and individual traits.

Correcting Dog Training Issues
The key to adjusting your dog’s training is to have good communication with your dog and understand their behavior. Humanizing a dog’s behavior is the wrong approach. Your dog isn’t sneaky or deviant; they are merely trying to balance their canine instincts with an understanding of what behavior you want to see from them.
When dog training isn’t going well, you may need to change your approach. It comes down to identifying your dog’s “love languages,” adjusting how you can best encourage and teach your pup, and responding with training measures that work for them.
Identify Your Dog’s Motivation
Individual dogs are motivated differently. Typical dog motivations include food, fun, and praise or attention from you. If you can determine your dog’s highest motivation, you can use that to help train your dog to have better manners, socialize better, walk on a leash more easily, or even do cute tricks. Test out each motivation and observe your dog’s reactions. Consistent “happy” responses to one particular stimulus could indicate your dog’s highest motivator.
Tips for Adjusting Your Training Measures
- Provide positive reinforcement measures that line up with your dog’s motivation.
- Be consistent and patient with your dog.
- Meet your dog’s physical and emotional needs.
- Make sure your dog is getting enough sleep.
- Make sure your dog feels safe.
- Keep your training measures simple.
- Realize that every dog trains at their own pace.
- Consider CBD treats for dogs as a supportive measure.
- Take your dog to the vet regularly and ask your vet about training issues you may be having with your pet to rule out physiological explanations for their behavior.
- Do not ignore or reject your dog’s affections to show your disdain for their behavior. It can damage your relationship with your dog and make training them even harder.
- Do not harm your dog or yell at them.
Other helpful tips for excellence in dog training involve removing obstacles that interfere with your dog’s ability to pay attention. Also, make sure your dog is well-rested and calm when you attempt to work with them or have a long training session. When your dog signals they are done or they lose the ability to stay focused, end the training session and do something with them that is less demanding.

Examples of Training Methods for Dogs
Technique is important when it comes to dog training. There is a little bit of trial and error to see what works best for your dog. Dog training techniques are designed to incorporate communication measures that work well with canine instincts.
Whether your training consists of CBD treats in the morning and clicker-training walks twice a day, scruffing your dog behind the ears and saying “good boy,” or going all-out and hiring a dog trainer, there are lots of techniques to try. The right way (or combination of strategies) is the way that trains with love, leads to results, and strengthens the bond between you and your canine friend.
Classical Training, supported by Pavlov’s research, involves your dog’s natural reaction to stimuli and recognizing this learning as part of their training program. For example, your dog may jump around excitedly at the sound of the leash because they know they are going out with you, and they become excited about the walk or playtime outdoors. When you begin to ask them to sit patiently and refuse to put the leash on them until they do, you are using classical conditioning to teach your dog to sit.
Positive Reinforcement Training is likely the most often used form of dog training. It involves using something your dog wants to encourage the behavior you want. It could be doggie treats or chews, fun play with your dog’s favorite toy, or praise from you. They begin to associate the reward with the behavior and eventually do the action when you ask them.
Clicker Training also helps as a combination of classical conditioning and positive reinforcement training. Your dog begins to associate the sound of the clicker with the required behavior with the subsequent reward.
It also works with negative reinforcement training, which may help teach your dog to walk on a leash or “leave it.” You can pull back on the leash or stop walking (whichever your dog least prefers) when they pull against you on the leash or begin to bark or run after a bird, for example. When you do negative reinforcement, like stopping all the fun, use the clicker promptly, so your dog knows “clicker sound means no fun.” Make sure to use the clicker consistently as positive reinforcement or a negative one, but not both.
Helpful tip: Make sure that you do not offer a reward when an unwanted behavior is occurring. For example, your dog barks excessively at a noise heard outside. You tell them to be quiet, and as soon as they do, you reward them with a treat. If the treat comes close to the barking behavior, your dog may be proud of their barking behavior and want to continue with this instinct. A better way would be to quiet your dog and remove them from the window where they cannot see the birds anymore. When the fun stops, if they are noisy, they may begin to curb their barking so they can continue to watch “window TV.”
Relationship-Based Training is a bit harder to define, but it worked best for my hard-to-train dog. It involves learning your dog’s behavior and temperament so well that you begin to communicate with each other more fluidly. When you understand and partner with your dog, it becomes easier for the dog to settle into the loving and safe space of pleasing its favorite human.
I’ve been able to work with my dog without offering many treats by the sound of my voice and the positive attention I give her when she behaves as I expect and want. This method involves bending to her needs and cooperating with my dog, rather than a dominance-based strategy like the calm dominance techniques taught by famous dog trainer Cesar Milan.
Using CBD Treats for Dogs as Part of Dog Training
CBD treats for dogs offer another way to ensure your dog is receptive to your training and feeling their best. You can use them and other dog training methods to create a well-rounded approach that best suits your dog’s learning abilities. Let’s talk about the benefits of CBD for your dog and how to incorporate that into your dog training.
Benefits of CBD Dog Treats
The benefits of CBD dog treats will vary depending on the amount and strength of canine-safe CBD you give your dog and how consistent you are in providing CBD treats, CBD peanut butter, or CBD tinctures for your pup. It is best to choose a formula based on your dog’s size, weight, and individual needs. Put the CBD formula in their food regularly via CBD canine tinctures, or give them CBD dog treats as a part of their training program. You can buy pre-made CBD dog treats, or you can make Text Goes Herehomemade CBD treats for dogs.
CBD products for your dog offer a wide range of natural health-boosting benefits. Because a dog’s physiology and endocannabinoid system are similar to ours, they can get the same helpful benefits from using pet CBD formulas. CBD dog treats offer that extra supportive measure for calm, wellness support, and better rest – which can all be helpful when training your dog.
How to Give Your Dog the Benefits of CBD Dog Treats
There is a difference between rewards-based behavior (using doggie treats and chews) and using CBD treats for dogs to offer temperament and wellness benefits. The former is done whenever you want to encourage your dog to stay alert, attentive, cooperative, and focused on their training. The latter, CBD treats or tinctures, are used more deliberately and regularly to provide the right training environment for your dog. Consider the CBD treats as a way to set the stage for successful interactions and receptive responses from your dog. For some dogs, the addition of CBD oil products can make all the difference.
Begin with choosing the right CBD pet formula for your dog based on their weight, age, size, and needs. Consider what type (CBD pet tinctures, CBD dog treats, or a bit of CBD peanut butter for them to lick) of pet CBD products your dog may take more easily. You may be able to use a regular amount of tincture in their food every day and use a CBD treat before an extended training session to set the stage. Whatever CBD pet formulas you choose, be consistent with the amounts and time of day you give them to your dog for the best results.

CBD Treats for Dogs Come in Fun Flavors
CBD products for dogs come in a variety of tasty flavors and various strengths. You can choose the formula that works best for your dog in these tail-wagging flavors your dog will love:
- Turkey
- Baked cheese
- Peanut butter
- Chicken & bacon
CBD Dog Treats Can be Given
- Before your regular daily training session to encourage calmness and be more receptive to the training.
- After regular training sessions as part of their rest and recovery routine.
- As part of your evening ritual to help them maintain a regular sleep schedule if the treats are a CBD-and-melatonin combo.
Make sure to follow package instructions for the amounts and frequency you should give CBD treats to your dog.
Consistency Is Key When it Comes to CBD
CBD oil products take time to interact and stabilize within your dog’s system. Giving CBD treats or tinctures to your dog regularly and consistently will yield the best results. For most CBD products, it takes about a month for you to see consistent benefits of CBD for your dog. Keep this in mind when adjusting the amounts you give them.
Note: Canine CBD oil products are generally well-received with little or no negative effects, aside from some possible dry mouth or upset tummy when they first start taking it. If your dog is susceptible, reduce the amounts you give them until they have time to adjust.

Training Your Dog Doesn’t Have to Suck
Yes, dog training can be difficult, but if you work to learn your dog's behavior, what works for them and what doesn’t, and adjust your training strategies, you can find greater success. Most frustrations come from the disconnect between your efforts and your dog’s ability to understand and apply human concepts to their canine instincts.
For example, if I hadn’t recognized my dog’s “potty training failure” for what it really was – submissive urination – I may never have realized my training methods were all wrong for her. Today, she's the best-behaved dog I have ever loved. And it is all because of the closeness we developed through a more laid-back training method, praise-rewards, and daily CBD doggie treats.
Positive reinforcement with your dog’s motivators helps encourage your dog to cooperate and adopt the behaviors you want from them. CBD treats for dogs can help to provide the right soil for those training measures to take root.
Best of luck with your dog training, and be sure to follow our blog for more great tips.