Health-minded people everywhere are hearing about the possible benefits of CBD. But hemp-derived supplements have only hit the market recently. This leaves new CBD users with a lot of questions.
One of the most common questions is, “How do I incorporate CBD into my daily life?”
Experienced CBD users employ a variety of methods, schedules, and products as part of their daily lives. But many people prefer to take CBD in the morning. The specific benefits of CBD in the morning generally revolve around convenience and routine.
So let’s take a look at how you can incorporate CBD into your morning routine, product options, and novel ways to use CBD to make your mornings a little brighter!
CBD Routine Basics
The most popular school of thought says that you get the most out of CBD by taking it every day. As a result, many successful users approach CBD the same way as vitamins and other supplements.
For example, a person can’t expect to take a calcium supplement once a week for bone support. It just doesn’t work that way.
You can say the same about using CBD to support your endocannabinoid system (ECS).
But we are creatures of habit. It’s hard to start a new routine and stick with it. How many of us have failed in our attempts at new diets, regular exercise, or other health goals? We’ve all been there at some point.

Is CBD in the Morning a Good Idea?
Some people report that a small amount of CBD in the morning helps them feel focused without the jitters often associated with caffeine.
Further, some users prefer to take small servings throughout the day rather than one large serving of CBD in the morning or evening. Larger servings may provide better results when taken late in the evening, since some users report feeling drowsy with greater amounts.
Adding CBD to something you do daily can help you make it a regular part of your life. Most of us have a morning routine. So beginning your day with CBD may provide the easiest way to start and enjoy the benefits of CBD for years to come.
Many people enjoy an early morning beverage, like coffee, tea, or juice. Using CBD oil tinctures, you can easily add CBD to your favorite morning drink.
Some people also include CBD oil in homemade protein bar recipes.
Or you can add CBD to your daily intake of other supplements. If you regularly take vitamin or mineral tablets, adding a CBD capsule to your daily pill organizer makes things easy. You can also use CBD in the morning as part of your pre-workout routine.
However, supplements can interfere with the way your liver processes certain substances. So it’s important to speak with your doctor before taking any new supplement.

What are the Best CBD Products for the Morning?
You can use most products that contain CBD in the morning.
For convenience during your morning routine, CBD oil capsules and CBD gummies could be your best options. They’re the perfect way to get a quick, consistent serving of CBD without measuring or spending time holding an oil in your mouth.
But flavored CBD oil tinctures can make it easy to enhance your favorite drink.
Topical formulas for pain can also help people with aching, stiff joints in the morning. Products with menthol for pain relief and CBD for support can quickly provide cooling comfort in the early hours. You can also reapply them as needed during the day.
Products specifically meant for relaxation or sleep aren’t popular for morning use. For example, do you have time for a relaxing soak with a CBD bath bomb before work? Probably not.
But hey, weekends are wide open!
What are Some Examples of Taking CBD in the Morning?
Morning routines differ between individuals. Some people exercise soon after waking up. Others spend the morning getting their kids up and ready for the day ahead. And a lot of folks plod through their mornings like zombies until their coffee kicks in.
There’s a morning CBD routine to suit most people’s lives. So let’s dive into some examples of how you can use CBD in the morning to enhance your day.

Kelly: Morning Runner
Kelly is married, works full-time, and has a six-year-old daughter. She has very little time to herself. The hours between 5:00 AM and 6:30 AM are sacred to her. During that time, she turns off everything else and focuses specifically on her own well-being.
After she wakes up, she heads to the bathroom and washes her face to clear the cobwebs. She also takes a capsule that contains CBD alongside her other supplements. This method allows time for her to absorb the substance through digestion, and she begins to feel the benefits of CBD immediately after her run.
From there she gets dressed and leaves for her daily four-mile run.
Once that’s complete, it's time for Kelly to shower and dress for work. She also eats a small breakfast to fuel up, then helps her spouse get their daughter moving. Sometimes she adds two or three CBD gummies to her homemade trail mix, which she eats at work as a mid-morning snack.

Doug: Morning Yoga
About a year ago, Doug made major lifestyle changes with the help of his doctor. But he primarily works from home and travels frequently to work out of state. This made joining a gym impractical, so Jim decided to take up yoga and pilates at home. He also eats smarter, even though that’s a challenge when he’s working out of town.
Doug starts his day with a shower. It helps him wake up and get moving. After getting dressed, he settles onto the floor of his living room or hotel room. Here, he practices mindfulness exercises and a short yoga-stretch routine.
Doug takes CBD in the morning by using a CBD oil tincture. He holds the oil under his tongue for sublingual absorption, and uses the feeling and taste of the oil under his tongue as a way to center his thoughts. After 60 seconds, he swallows the oil, and focuses on his breathing for three minutes before starting his light yoga routine.
He begins to experience the benefits of CBD soon after he finishes his stretches, and goes about his workday.

Sarah: Morning Soreness
Warehouse workers at shipping centers often start their workdays at 6:00 AM. They also frequently work 10 hours per shift, four days each week. Sarah’s one of those workers. She spends her days lifting packages and pushing loaded carts, walking several miles each day.
Sarah makes sure to get plenty of rest on her three-day weekends. But she often feels soreness in her left knee and back when she wakes up at 4:15 AM. A hot shower helps loosen her back muscles in the morning, but it doesn’t help her knee.
Sometimes, she takes ibuprofen. But Sarah also uses a special pain-relief cream that includes botanicals, an approved pain reliever, and CBD in the morning before work. It only takes a moment to rub the cream into the skin around her knee. She generally feels relief by the time she hops into her car at 5:30 AM.

The Whole Family: CBD Morning Drinks
Dan and Patty retired recently, and they do their best to stay active. But they’re not alone in the house. Their college-aged son Lucas lives with them. So does Ruth, Patty’s 84-year-old mother.
Everyone is active. Dan plays golf at least three times a week. Patty works in her garden daily and walks around the neighborhood with friends. Lucas plays intramural ultimate frisbee. And Ruth takes seniors aerobics classes twice per week. She even does some light weightlifting!
After Lucas started drinking CBD coffee in the morning, everyone became curious. Of course, he had to explain that CBD is legal, and that it won’t make you high. Before long, everyone in the family tried it and loved the results. Now, everyone in the house uses CBD in the morning.
Dan and Patty always add CBD oil tinctures to their smoothies, and Ruth often has CBD tea with her breakfast. She also uses a CBD cream with menthol to help loosen up her shoulders before hitting the gym!
Learn More and Get Started
The cbdMD Blog is full of useful information about hemp and the products made from its extracts. So whether you want to start using CBD in the morning, afternoon, or evening, there are plenty of great articles to help you get started. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to learn more.